University of Leiden love

University of Leiden


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  • "The government will have to water down its plans and make compromises," said Ruud Koole , a political science professor at the University of Leiden.

    Poll Test Looms for Dutch Government Maarten van Tartwijk 2011

  • It's also persuading history lecturers, in this case, again, at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands, to spend a couple of hours answering my rather undergraduate level questions.

    How David Mitchell Brings Historical Fiction To Life 2010

  • When his book was published I was still a student at the University of Leiden, where it seemed everyone was talking about this horribly racist book that argued that black people were genetically of lower intelligence than white people.

    Nomad Ayaan Hirsi Ali 2010

  • Only after I had fled and made my way to the University of Leiden, where I took classes steeped in concepts of individual freedom and personal responsibility, was I able to stand up to my father, mind to mind.

    Nomad Ayaan Hirsi Ali 2010

  • I was still studying at the University of Leiden, bursting with all kinds of ideas, longing to see him again yet afraid of what he would say to me.

    Nomad Ayaan Hirsi Ali 2010

  • It's also persuading history lecturers, in this case, again, at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands, to spend a couple of hours answering my rather undergraduate level questions.

    How David Mitchell Brings Historical Fiction To Life 2010

  • Two years ago, as part of my research for a book, I met him in the ancient University of Leiden where we talked about Islamism and his view that religious texts should be interpreted in the historical and cultural context of their time.

    Divorcing fundamentalism 2010

  • It's also persuading history lecturers, in this case, again, at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands, to spend a couple of hours answering my rather undergraduate level questions.

    How David Mitchell Brings Historical Fiction To Life 2010

  • By 25 he earned a doctorate from the University of Leiden, writing on the horse cult from India to Japan, adding Japanese and Sanskrit to his long list of languages.

    A Dutch Diplomat in the Tang Imperial Court 2010

  • It's also persuading history lecturers, in this case, again, at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands, to spend a couple of hours answering my rather undergraduate level questions.

    How David Mitchell Brings Historical Fiction To Life 2010


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